
Did you know?

The total annual cost of poor mental health to employers has increased by 25% since 2019, now totalling between £53-56 billion in 2020-21. That’s according to a new national report published by Deloitte in March 2022: Mental health and employers – The case for investment – pandemic and beyond.

According to the report, employers who invest in measures and initiatives to tackle mental health problems can expect to see an average return of investment (ROI) of £5.30 for every £1 invested.

Elizabeth Hampson, Director at Deloitte says: ‘Such initiatives should be promoted by leadership and aim to achieve a greater awareness of the issues, a shift in culture and a reduction in the stigma associated with poor mental health for greatest impact.’ ‘Employers could also introduce schemes for monitoring and measuring mental health in the workforce and consider developing a portfolio of support measures.’

Our services are offered in the following formats and can be delivered, in-person, or remotely as required.

In-house courses, for businesses and organisations – bespoke courses and workshops tailored to your own requirements.

Open Courses – For Individuals seeking to reduce stress and improve their quality of life. Meet like-minded people and create friendships. (Please see our courses page)

1:1  – For tailored personal coaching.

Below is the list of the services we offer – Please click on the links to discover more.

Resilience Building

’After a career spanning over 25 years, as a Business…

Stress Management

’Stress is an everyday fact of life and can’t be…