Business Development

Business Development

As a Business Development Manager/Key Account Manager in the pharmaceutical industry, I sold products to the sum of multiple £10s millions during my career.
I developed many business relationships with doctors and nurses, some of whom I refer to as my friends. I won consecutive Sales Person Of the Year awards and just before I was made redundant, I was on track to win an unprecedented 3rd successive such trophy.

How did I do this? What was my secret? Well, a certain amount of technical ability/sales call planning etc. obviously helped, but my secret weapon and biggest contributor to my success was my mindset!!

I learned to manage my emotions, anxiety/stress, negative thoughts/beliefs and developed compassion and emotional intelligence (EQ).

All this enabled me to connect with my customers on a deep level, garnered trust and likeability and also allowed me to stay fully present during conversations and discussions with them.

If you’d like to reduce your anxiety levels, change limiting beliefs, develop your Emotional Intelligence AND learn how to create more happiness and joy, then let me coach you to be your best self.

Click on the link below and let’s chat.

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