
‘’Martin is a brilliant tutor. Sad it’s our last session!’’
‘’This course couldn’t have come at a better time for me’. Life Changing!’’
‘’Everyone should do this course’’

These quotes were from anonymous feedback forms and I have copies should anyone wish to see them.

A rare opportunity to attend an 8-week  Mindfulness for Wellbeing course in person!


The dates for the Mindfulness for Stress course are as follows:

Sunday 7th January 2024 between 1pm and 5pm

Sunday, 21st January 2024 between 1pm and 5pm

Sunday 4th February 2024, between 1pm and 5pm

Sunday 18th February 2024 between 1pm and 5pm

Venue: Royal Bolton Hospital, Minerva Road. Farnworth. Bolton.

*The course is run on 4 x 4 hour sessions (with breaks) over 8-weeks. The course comes with a workbook and MP3 guided meditations for home practise.

Cost £300 for individuals and £340 if paying via a business/organisation.* This includes 16 hours of tuition, a 34 page course booklet and Guided Meditations via MP3.

For further details and payment please email