Resilience Building


Resilience Building

Psychologists agree that resilience is a character trait which helps determine how individuals perform when exposed to stressors, pressure and challenge, regardless of the environment we find ourselves in. It’s not about being immune to setbacks, being stoic, or suppressing negative emotion; It’s about being able to accept the facts of our circumstances, regulate our emotions and committing to a positive way forward, which focuses on finding solutions.

Resilient people have a strong sense of purpose and commitment to what they do.

*This last characteristic is one of the most important facets of managing our psychological wellbeing!*

The good news is resilience can be learned!

  • At Inspire Evolution we offer Resiliency workshops, lasting from 1 hour to a full day. In addition to the delivery of the underpinning knowledge, or psychological education, we utilise a host of modalities from Mindfulness to cognitive and behavioural approaches.
  • All our workshops contain underpinning knowledge regarding what resilience is, along with practical applications so attendees can take away and use specific techniques to help them in stressful times, but the content will be custom tailored to your specific requirements.
mindfulness for business
business and mindfulness
STAGE 1 - Contact

Get in touch by completing the contact form, or dropping me an email:

STAGE TWO - Discovery Call

It is important that we both find out if we’re a good fit for working together and importantly we’ll discuss your requirements in detail.

STAGE THREE - Proposal

I’ll create a proposal based on the information from our ‘discovery call’ and send it you for review and approval, pending any amendments.

STAGE FOUR - Creation

I’ll invest significant time developing the bespoke package with close communication and reviews, as appropriate.

STAGE FIVE - Delivery

We offer both in-house and remote delivery of all services. Both methods have been proven to be highly successful, however, I’m a firm believer in the power and collective energy of in-person delivery whenever possible.

All Services


  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm

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'The Top 10 Tips to Incorporate Mindfulness in Your Daily Life.’