Stress Management

What is mindfulness

Stress Management

Stress is an everyday fact of life and can’t be avoided. It results from any change you must adapt to and ranges from the thrill of achieving a long-held goal, to actual physical danger. Day to day living, also presents even the most well manged life a continuous flow of potentially stressful experiences.

Not all stress is bad for us though and is actually an essential element to sustaining life. Whether the stress you experience is the result of the accumulative effect of the build up of everyday minor frustrations, or major life changes, the way you respond to these events will determine the impact that stress has on your life!

Research has pinpointed that you experience stress from the following 4 basic sources:

You must endure weather, noise, traffic, pollens, and air pollution.

such as job interviews, deadlines, demands for your time and attention etc.

The changes due to the menopause, poor diet, lack of sleep, illness, and injury.

Your brain interprets complex changes in both your body and environment, which then determines when you turn on the stress response. How you interpret this your current experience and how you predict the future will serve to either relax, or stress you.

At Inspire Evolution, we have the toolkit to provide you with the resources to cope with all these causes of stress ranging from cognitive and behavioural approaches to Mindfulness. 

STAGE 1 - Contact

Get in touch by completing the contact form, or dropping me an email:

STAGE TWO - Discovery Call

It is important that we both find out if we’re a good fit for working together and importantly we’ll discuss your requirements in detail.

STAGE THREE - Proposal

I’ll create a proposal based on the information from our ‘discovery call’ and send it you for review and approval, pending any amendments.

STAGE FOUR - Creation

I’ll invest significant time developing the bespoke package with close communication and reviews, as appropriate.

STAGE FIVE - Delivery

We offer both in-house and remote delivery of all services. Both methods have been proven to be highly successful, however, I’m a firm believer in the power and collective energy of in-person delivery whenever possible.


  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm
  • 6.30 pm-8.30 pm

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'The Top 10 Tips to Incorporate Mindfulness in Your Daily Life.’