

We live in a world that’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and full of ambiguity. A world where, more than ever, we need to be resilient in order to prevent ourselves from being overwhelmed by it all.

We hear the word ‘resilience’ a lot these days, but what I’d like you to pause for a few moments before you read on and think about what does resilience mean to you?

Psychologists agree that resilience is a character trait which, to a degree, determines how individuals perform when exposed to stressors, pressure and challenge, regardless of the environment we find ourselves in.
It is not about being immune to setbacks, being stoic, or suppressing negative emotions… It’s about being able to accept the facts of our circumstances, regulate our emotions and committing to a positive way forward, which focuses on finding solutions.
Resilient people have a strong sense of purpose and commitment to what they do. They make their work meaningful. They choose what they pay attention to, and they focus on what’s possible rather than what’s wrong. They can regulate their emotions and they manage their energy, as well as their
time. They take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge, and they see challenges and setbacks as an opportunity to learn and grow. They are aware of and exploit their strengths. They have an optimistic outlook. They develop strong networks of social support. This last characteristic is one of
the most important facets of managing our psychological wellbeing!

That’s a lot of character traits and as a result you may be wondering that’s all well and good and I demonstrate some of those but how can I develop them all? Well, the good news is…resilience can be learned! With the right tools we can develop greater resiliency and learn how to thrive, even
when life has thrown its worst at us.

It all starts by looking after the basics, sleep, nutrition, and hydration! Then notice the way you talk to yourself. See if you notice how, you can change a negative mood by changing this story from a focus on what’s wrong to a story about what’s possible. Connect to your true purpose and vales
regularly. Why exactly is it you do what you do? And finally, build your social support network.

At Inspire Evolution we specialise in resiliency and stress management, so contact us today, if you want to build resiliency in yourself, or for your team. Click here to see our list of services.

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