

For a few years now, Mindfulness has increased in popularity and most people feel they probably understand what it is…but do they really? You see, we can understand definitions of Mindfulness intellectually, but Mindfulness is experiential. To truly understand it, we have to practise it and for many of those who take the leap of faith, they are truly rewarded. Here are a few of the comments left on feedback forms, by happy clients:

‘’This course couldn’t come at a better time for me. Truly life changing.’’

‘’The course was great! Martin was great! Everyone should do this course!’’

‘’Martin is a brilliant tutor. Sad it’s our last session!’’

When you take part in our Mindfulness workshops and courses, you will learn invaluable life skills and learning Mindfulness is the best way I know of developing resiliency.

Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

How to accept difficult circumstances without them overwhelming you.
How to detach yourself from unhelpful thoughts and chose those which you feel are worthy of your attention and those which aren’t.
How to recognise the signs that can lead to burnout, long before they become a major issue.
How to bring more balance to your life and notice when the scales are tipping too far in a way that can lead to great difficulty.
How to develop the superpower of kindness and compassion. Never underestimate this aspect. It can literally change your life.
How to use your breath as an anchor, to bring you into the present moment and focus on the here and now. This will help you to relax, settle an anxious mind and enable you to become more laser focused on the task in hand.
Manage long term health conditions such as chronic pain.

In short, people who practise Mindfulness, are happier, more productive, and less likely to take sick leave. If you’re a business owner, or manager, this alone makes engaging in a Mindfulness course worth the investment

The Mindfulness courses we teach at Inspire Evolution are evidence based and have been delivered successfully to hundreds of people. The great news is they can be delivered remotely, or in person! To read more about the evidence base and discover the range of courses and workshops we can provide, click here and look at ‘Our Services’ page and contact us today, to discover how it can transform you and your business for the better.

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